Contact person: Phone number: E-mail address: Name of client, project location: Total coverage surface: Container material (carbon steel, concrete, galvanized steel, aluminum):: Container condition: Good/Brand newslightly corrodedSeverely corroded (acidic erosions) Container content (medium):(Please give the contents of the stored material as accurately as possible, pH of the liquid): Temperature: Operating: Project: Insulation: YesNo Pressure: YesNo Container data: Measurements: Diameter: Height: Outside constructions (Roof support, mixers, pipes, etc.): Heating spirals/coils (shape, material, distance from bottom, type of mounting): YesNo Deep acidic erosions (Can it be confirmed by the client that the container is stable?) YesNo Container content: Available ingredient analysis?: YesNo Stored product clearing requirements: Required approvals and certificates: In case of a pressure vessel: Project pressure: Operating pressure: Possibility of drastic decompression? YesNo Clients expectations: Layer system endurance: attachment (max 10MB file):